
Siloam Trust / Objectives
  • To undertake and establish schools to educate orphans and street children in the society.
  • To initiate development programmes that promotes agricultural and natural resources in rural areas.
  • To assist in the development of community based resources and create understanding of indigenous knowledge, technology and practices for the conservation of biological diversity and protection of environment in which positive human and family values can be natured and taught.
  • To create, promote, facilitate and advance education in children in Kenya and all of Africa by establishing learning institutions and health, rehabilitation and training centres offering family counseling, community training, feeding and sporting centres.
  • To publish newsletters, books, articles, pamphlets, periodicals, leaflets, brochures and other publications and establish and libraries for the promotion of the objects of the Trust.
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  • To promote conservation of the environment by encouraging tree planting, use of renewable sources of energy, recycling of human waste to create wealth from garbage and establishing learning centres in the semi-arid areas teaching methods of sustainable food production.
  • To train, educate and empower the community through development programmes such as establishment of irrigation schemes; prison outreach programmes; provision of clean water; provision of aide to the disadvantaged in the community.
  • To establish HIV/AIDS prevention programmes and promotion of healthy lifestyles in the community through education, training and health centres.
  • To work with or assist other organizations having objects similar to those of this Trust.
  • To undertake necessary research in the furtherance of the objectives of this Trust and disseminate the findings through publications, seminars, exhibitions and training workshops.
  • To train on project formulation, implementation, post implementation, management process, monitoring and evaluation, and to offer credit opportunities especially to community development groups.
Looking for a place to connect or serve?
Call us on +254 722 240 831, +254 723 109 653